Types And Components Of A Pneumatic Conveying System

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Mechanical conveying systems and pneumatic conveying system are the major two types of conveying systems.

Both conveying system has its own characteristics of material and requirements for specific process and this clearly differentiate both from each other.

The mechanical and pneumatic conveyors are both perfect and suitable for bulk conveying work applications.

Before briefly describing both the mechanical and pneumatic conveyors, you should know one important factor to consider when deciding on which conveyor to use.

This factor is the properties of the material you want to convey which includes the temperature, moisture content, bulk density, inherent hazards and flow properties.

Both conveyors can successfully handle a wide range of products, ranging from fine powders to large particles and also temperature sensitive materials.

They are also typically designed to transport materials that are fragile.

Pneumatic Conveying System

Manufacturing companies that uses conveyors know the importance of pneumatic conveyors in transporting materials in bulk quantities from one place to another.

Pneumatic conveying systems have pipes that are called transportation lines which are made especially to hold air stream and bulk solid material.

Bulk solid material can be in powdered or grainy form which will then be transferred using pneumatic conveying system.

Bulk solid material can be food that will be charged into vessels or mixers, chemicals being charged into reactors.

The pneumatic conveyors also have two main types which are classified based on transport mode namely:

Dense phase pneumatic conveying systems

These particular conveyors have high pressure systems for conveying material and are the best for fragile and rebarbative materials because of its low velocity. 

Dilute phase pneumatic conveying systems

These types of pneumatic conveying system have low pressure and have high velocity systems.

These qualities give it top flexibility for different kinds of materials that it be handled.

Air compressors or blowers are ways in which air are generated.

Pneumatic conveying system is mainly used to transfer solids of all sizes.

pneumatic conveying system

Why use Pneumatic Conveying?

I guess you want to know, so check out this qualities.

Pneumatic conveying system is a formidable standardized automatic conveying system that operates in a direct line with little directional acclimation. This conveyor has its own motor and drive for each directional move although it has a lot of pieces and requires maintenance but it easy to maintain.

The basic systems used to generate high velocity air stream is suction or also called vacuum conveying systems, pressure type systems and combination system.

The vacuum conveying system draws materials with the environment air using vacuums that are manufactured in the pipeline.

Pressure type systems are good for transporting materials from one point to different location.

It uses a positive pressure system to move material from one location to another.

The last system used to generate high velocity air is the combination system. It both the suction and pressure type system.

It first uses a suction device to transport materials from the loading points then use the pressure method to transfer it to the unloading location.

Basic element in Pneumatic Conveying Systems:

A pneumatic conveying systems has all of the following component

A Blowers or vacuum pumps, rotary airlock valve, filter receiver, cyclone separators, bin vents, silos day bins and other storage vessels.

A pipeline, feeding device, air separator, control panels and electrical equipment

In need of high quality pneumatic conveying system?

Now that you have understood what are the basic components of a pneumatic conveying system, you next move might possibly be to make a purchase for your facility.

In case you are considering investing in a pneumatic conveying system, you can count on us as a reliable and highly proficient partners to work with.

Kindly click here to contact us for an order or for further information on our products and services.


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