Carbon Black Weighing and Dosing System for Rubber Compounds

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Accurate weighing and dosing of Carbon black and silica, also named as black and white fillers, which are the main inputs of rubber compounds, is the essential requirement for the compounds of the companies that manufacture for the automotive and white goods industries with the advantages that the quality of the resulting product as well as the pollution of the environment and labor cost. The dosing of carbon black, especially from these fillers, requires considerable knowledge and experience due to its light and small structure. One of the most important requirements for this is the use of appropriate equipment and materials. Our systems with high dosing accuracy, easy maintenance and low energy consumption are suitable for non-stop operation even in 3-shift operation. Our big-bag unloading frames, screw conveyors and weighing pan and sensors on them, pneumatic valves and bearings are designed and manufactured from the most suitable material and are very durable and rigid.

Our systems are fully PLC-controlled and have the option of reporting with SCADA software if desired. Siemens, Allen Bradley or Mithubishi PLC are used according to the demand of our customers. According to the recipe structure created, the feeding can be made in 1 or 2 times in the same batch if desired. Our systems can send the weighed material directly into the mixer by communicating with the fully automated mixers as well as sending the material after the operator chooses the recipe from the touch screen panel and the material is weighed.

Process Oil Weighing and Dosing system

Accurate weighing and dosing of process oils, which are the main inputs of the rubber mixtures, is of great importance for the quality of the resulting product. In addition to product quality, labor costs and environment cleaning has become a major requirement in recent years.

Process Oil dosing is done by weighing the oils with different properties in the desired quantity from main tanks, intermediate tanks, IBC tanks or barrels by means of gear pump, weighing them on weighing pan by means of valves, then transferring to the conveying pan and in turn sending to the mixer by a gear pump. The weighing accuracy is between 5-10g provided that it is not a very hard fluid. In our systems, we work with the highest quality materials, pumps, valves and sensors in order to continue the production of our customers without stopping. One of the most important issues in oil weighing is to ensure the fluidity, and the required viscosity is ensured by heating in both stock tanks and weighing cabins as well as in our pipelines.

In oil weighing, if we work with oils that should not be mixed with each other, even if they must not contact, we offer solutions according to the wishes of our customers by using different oil weighing scales, conveying pans, pumps and separate pipelines.

Our oil dosing systems are fully PLC controlled and have the option of reporting with SCADA software if desired. Siemens, Allen Bradley or Mithubishi PLC are used according to the demand of our customers. According to the recipe structure created, the feeding can be made in 1 or 2 times in the same batch if desired. Our systems can send the weighed material directly into the mixer by communicating with the fully automated mixers as well as sending the material after the operator chooses the recipe from the touch screen panel and the material is weighed.

Weighing and Feeding Conveyors

The dosage of the rubbers used to obtain the mixture is made by weighing and feeding conveyors. The operator panel standing in front of the weighing belt shows what kind of rubber material to weigh, according to this information, the operator weighs the desired type amount of rubber. If the weight is within the tolerance limit, other compound raw materials in the recipe are weighed. If the weighing is not within the tolerance limit, the tolerance message is displayed and the system will direct the operator to correct weighing. Again, after weighing the rubber in the same weighing, weighed micro chemicals in eva bags are checked according to the prescription. This control can be done by weight and barcode reading. All the raw materials prepared for the batch are weighed and then passed to the next conveyor, the feeding conveyor. The materials waitingfor its order in the feed conveyor are sent to the mixer as soon as demand is received from the mixer.


Our weighing and dosing systems are fully PLC-controlled and can be integrated with SCADA software to ensure efficient reporting. We use only the highest quality materials, pumps, valves, and sensors to ensure seamless production for our customers. With our weighing and feeding conveyors, operators can easily control and monitor the weighing process for all raw materials and microchemicals, so that the resulting rubber mixture meets stringent industry standards. Trust us to deliver precise weighing and dosing solutions that will help you achieve your production goals with ease.


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